Teachers Polo

Teachers Polo

Elevate your style with sublimated teacher polo shirts. Unlike cut-sew polos, sublimation lets you add bigger logos, personal names, and slogans at no extra cost. The design possibilities are limitless, and your logo retains its freshness after every wash. Sublimation eliminates the drawbacks of screen printing, ensuring crisp, durable designs.

Crafted from UPF 50+ fabric, these polos are moisture wicking and offer great sun protection. With their wrinkle-resistant and quick-drying properties, they’re easy to maintain. Transform your teacher polo shirts with custom designs and vibrant sublimation inks, delivering stunning prints in no time.

teachers polo

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Special Offer Until June 30th 2024

Staff Polos $25 Each

Certain Sports Shirts $25 Each

TC Minimum Order 20 Units or Combine it with Senior Shirt Order.