Privacy Policy



Briz Sports Pty Ltd regards customer privacy as an important part of our relationship with our customers. The following privacy policy applies to all Briz Sports Pty Ltd users, and conforms to Internet privacy standards.

Collection of Information

In order to use the Briz Sports Pty Ltd website, we may require information from you in order to provide the best service possible. All correspondence may also be collected and stored, particularly in regard to sales, support and accounts, including Email. Any information collected by Briz Sports Pty Ltd is collected via correspondence from you or your company. This may be via the telephone, Email, mail, fax or directly through our website.

Use of Collection Information

Any details collected from Briz Sports Pty Ltd customers are required in order to provide you with our products and/or services, and a high level of customer service. Correspondence is recorded in order to provide service references, and to assist in our staff development. We keep all of your data secured in our data base and never hand in to third parties.

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